Boglár Juliánna Nagy
A student of yoga since 2003. Teaching since 2009.
Grateful to have studied closely with Glenn Ceresoli, Natasha Rizopoulos, and Eileen Muir, and to call Judith Lasater, Noah Mazé, Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, John Schumacher, Erich Schiffmann, Edwyn Bryant, Edward Brown, Jack Kornfield, Gil Fronsdal, and Pema Chödrön my teachers.
Endless gratitude to Caroline Myss for teaching me how to live with integrity.
My teaching style combines Iyengar posture alignment, mindful movement and breath. I'm interested in figuring out how to incorporate timeless yogic and Buddhist thought into our daily lives.
Yoga is the perfect opportunity to shine light on our unconscious habitual patterns.
200-hr w/Natasha Rizopoulos
300-hr Advanced Studies
w/Eileen Muir of Karuna Yoga
60-hr Certified Kripalu Yoga in
the Schools Teacher
Experiential Anatomy w/Judith Lasater & Mary Richards